Thursday, April 24, 2008

Where Hope Takes Root - MHI's new book out soon

In Where Hope Takes Root, a collection of talks given over the past six years, the Aga Khan, spiritual leader of the Ismaili Muslims—a sizable number of whom live in Canada—sets out the principles that inform his vision of peaceful, productive societies. He returns again and again to the three cornerstones upon which his many years of work in the developing world are based: democracy, pluralism and civil society. Democracy, always fragile, must be nurtured in practical and flexible ways, he says. Pluralism must be embraced in both fact and spirit. And engaged civil society, which the Aga Khan defines broadly as including doctors’ and journalists’ associations, women’s groups, social movements and village organizations, must be actively supported in countries around the globe.

Projected release: May 2008


Check out these DVD's at Amazon !!!

Aga Khan and the Ismailis: Collector's Edition

Director: Bill Cran;Shamir Allibhai;Jane Chablani

Amazon Review:
Kelly Fulkerson (Cambridge, MA) - What I found most interesting, and refreshing, about this film was the attention paid to the Aga Khan's relationship to the Ismailis, rather than focusing solely on theology. The focus on the story of Prince Karim allows for an informative and accessible means of learning more about both the Aga Khan himself and the tradition as a whole. The film is very well-organized and does a nice job of detailing the development and history of the Ismaili community, especially through the discussions from professors and other speakers. Overall, it is very easy to follow while simultaneously raising complex discussions.

An Islamic Conscience: the Aga Khan and the Ismailis

Director: Bill Cran;Shamir Allibhai;Jane Chablani

Amazon Review
J. Roy (GA USA) - Well researched and well directed video. Covers overall aspect of the Ismaili tariqah of Islam. It seems impossible to ever come across this great man and at the same time he hardly speaks. For that reason I am most thankful for the interview by the Aga Khan which includes in this video. I am truly inspired by the work of Aga Khan Development Network. Hope one day we will have a DVD on Fatimids.

Living Camera: Aga Khan (1961)

Director: Robert Drew

* He is the 49th hereditary Imam of the Ismailis and a descendant of the Prophet Mohammed. As Imam his main role is to guide his community - spiritually and in secular matters. * The Aga Khan's original name is Prince Karim and he was born on Dec 13, 1936 * He became Imam when he was just a twenty year-old student at Harvard on July 11, 1957 when the previous Imam died * The Aga Khan places an emphasis on tolerance, dialogue and pluralism and sees this as rooted in the ethics of Islam. He advocates a balance between the spiritual and the material world. * The Aga Khan is the founder of the Aga Khan Development Network which is the largest private development agency. It spends $400Million/year and through its activities, employs 70,000 people. * 2007-2008 is the Aga Khan's Golden Jubilee - 50 years as spiritual leader / head of the Ismailis


Exceptional Coffee Table Book !

Under the Eaves of Architecture: The Aga Khan: Builder and Patron (Hardcover)

Zee's notes: This book is not about architecture. It is about how MHI is making a difference in the lives of millions of people in the world and bringing hope where there seemed to be none. It is powerful yet the message is so simple. There is an interview with the author where MHI candidly reveals his motivation to helping the poorest citizens in the globe. Did you know that MHI had planned and had been accepted to attend MIT and study Sciences before changing his mind and eventually enrolling at Harvard for a degree in Islamic Studies...

Book Description: This thematically arranged book displays the full range of the Aga Khan's patronage of architecture.
The Aga Khan is one of the most ardent patrons of architecture and historic preservation in the world. Since inheriting his title as spiritual leader of the Shia Imami Ismaili Muslims, usually known as Ismailis, fifty years ago, he has fostered and commissioned numerous structures and restored a multitude of buildings from North America to East Africa. The prestigious Aga Khan Award for Architecture, first given in 1980, recognizes projects that benefit the Muslim world for their excellence in contemporary design, community improvement and development, restoration, re-use, and area conservation. For the first time, this book presents projects from universities and historic restoration programs that bear the Aga Khan's name to religious centers, museums, and development efforts in more than twenty countries. Through the Aga Khan Development Network, the Aga Khan occupies a unique place in the world of architecture and this book reveals the range and breadth of his activities.
About the Author: Philip Jodidio has published numerous books on contemporary architecture, including Architecture: Art and Architecture: Nature (both by Prestel) and Cairo: Revitalising a Historic Metropolis (Aga Khan Trust for Culture). He lives in Grimentz, Switzerland.

1 comment:

Sonny Sultani said...

I saw the videos the other day and I highly recommend them to anyone.