Zee's Notes: When Mukhianima at Burnaby Lake got up to speak last night everyone was sure it was to confirm the email that had been floating around that MHI was coming to Canada at the end of November. This was the second hoax for the Canadians as 6 months ago someone with lots of time on their hand created a very elaborate and authentic looking Canadian GJ itinerary sometime in May - which turned out to be, excuse my language - BS - and this time it was a simple email which stated dates and cities.
Anyhow the news was the Darbar visit to Central Asia at the beginning of November and though the Canadian visit may occur in the next 6 weeks - it has not been officially announced. Our sincere congratulations to our fellow Ismailis in Central Asia on the upcoming visit by MHI.
The other message was for the International Jamat to think carefully before making plans to travel to Central Asia.
For complete info: http://www.goldenjubileetajikistan.org/